Pyne Arms, East Down

The Pyne Arms, East Down is a stunning old traditional pub with low ceilings, wooden beams and when we visited in October it had the obligatory roaring fire. Such a lovely homely and welcoming atmosphere.

Baked camembert for starter at the Pyne Arms, East Down
Baked camembert for starter at the Pyne Arms, East Down
We ordered drinks and asked to see the menus when we arrived explaining that I would require a gluten free meal as I was a coeliac. The very clued up barmaid/waitress immediately talked me through what I could and couldn’t eat with authority, which was very comforting. We removed our wet muddy boots and sat in our socks by the fire totally at ease. The floor (due to the age of the pub) is slanted in places and if I didn’t know better I would say my drink was spiked as getting up and walking to the loo was a challenge in motion. I imagine after a few beers traversing it would be easy!

Burger for main course at the Pyne Arms, East Down
Burger for main course at the Pyne Arms, East Down
We ordered baked camembert with a red onion chutney as a starter to share. They had provided gluten free bread on one side and ‘normal’ bread on the other. The ‘normal’ bread was slightly touching one side of the cheese, which was a little off putting, but hubby spooned that side off for himself leaving me with the uncontaminated cheese. It was delicious and something that I wouldn’t normally order in a pub, but I am now a convert!

White chocolate mousse for dessert at the Pyne Arms, East Down
White chocolate mousse for dessert at the Pyne Arms, East Down
For main course we both ordered the burger (mine without the bun). The chips were fried separately so I ordered chips with mine. I didn’t really mind that there were no gluten free buns as I had already had a starter and intended on having a pudding too!!It was a really good burger – made with very high quality meat.

If you can believe it, we ordered dessert as well – albeit we did share! There was limited gluten free choice, but there was a white chocolate mousse or ice cream. Plebs that we are, we asked for both – hence the ice cream being on top of the mousse.

All in all it was a fabulous walk, followed by a lovely lunch (if a little filling) but that serves us right for being greedy!

Opening hours: 12-2:30, 5-11pm Tuesday to Saturday, 12–10:30pm Sunday, 5-11pm Monday
Gluten free friendly: Very aware and accommodating.
Child friendly: I wasn’t aware of a children’s menu, but that’s not to say there wasn’t one.
Disabled access: Doors narrow and access to toilets may be difficult.
Dog friendly: Dogs are welcome.

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